Preventive (New Patient/Recall) Care
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a dental check-up at least twice a year for most children. Regular dental visits help children cavity-free and also help detect and treat cavities in a timely manner to avoid dental emergencies.
During a dental check-up, we will:
- Address any specific concerns you may have regarding your child’s oral health
- Examine your child’s soft tissue (cheeks, lips, tongue, etc) to check for any abnormalities
- Examine your child’s teeth for cavities or any other conditions
- Perform a prophylaxis (cleaning) appropriate for your child’s age to remove plaque and tartar
- Review your child’s brushing and flossing and provide feedback
- Evaluate growth and development
- Identify any impact your child’s habit (thumb-sucking, pacifier use, grinding) may have had in the mouth and discuss plans to stop his/her habit
- Assess your child’s specific risk for cavities and discuss plans to reduce it
- When deemed necessary, take radiographs to help detect decays in areas that cannot be checked clinically and/or to assess growth and development
- Provide appropriate fluoride treatment